Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kiley's Birth Story

Hey ya'll! I finally typed up my version of Kiley's birth adventure! It's from the heart, so bare with me through the grammatical errors and such! It's pretty detailed so beware! I hope you don't mind me sharing it with you. Love you-Heather

Here it is.......

Kiley’s Birth

9:30 p.m. April 18, 2008

I started to feel contractions that seemed more intense and lower in my abdomen -unlike Braxton Hicks, which had been going on pretty frequently for 2 weeks.

10:00 p.m.

I decided to go to bed…didn’t really think I was in labor. I lay down and noticed contractions a little more and began to think it was labor. Went downstairs to get the house ready for my mom and for trip to hospital. Watched some TV.

11:45 p.m.

Finally called my dad to say I was in labor and that I would call back when I think mom should come over. During the conversation I was already wondering if my mom should come over then. The contractions started to intensify by the end of the phone call. I could barely speak to say good-bye.

12:00 a.m.

Went upstairs to wake Dave. Contractions seemed to be every 30 seconds about 5 to 10 seconds long -very strange…almost no break in between them if I was walking around. If I lay down the contractions were more spread apart, but very painful. They felt like the ones I had with Mallory towards middle to end of labor. I remember wanting an epidural right then -no longer wanting to try to have a natural labor. Dave called the doctor-said contractions were 4 minutes apart and 30 sec. long if I was lying down. Again, even during the phone call the contractions seemed to intensify-barely tolerable w/out moaning or screaming. I had to have Dave put counter pressure on my back-couldn’t be still from pain. I was feeling scared, even then.

Got in bath to try and relax and relieve pain…try and slow contractions down. I was still thinking it was too early to go to the hospital, but my contractions were so strong…I wondered how would I make it to the hospital in such pain? It’s only been a couple of hours of labor...this didn’t make sense.

Doctor told us it was still early in the labor process, but we could come on into the hospital if we wanted to….YES…yes I thought-feeling very out of control with the pain.

Dave went downstairs to pack the car….SWOOSH…my water broke. Strange feeling, like peeing but with a stronger force-a gush. It felt very fast and powerful. I doubted only for a second that my water had actually broken…then I began to panic and scream for Dave. I was progressing so fast. I wasn’t comfortable with the pace it was all happening at. I screamed again for Dave. The contractions quickly intensified some more and were on top of each other. I couldn’t relax -the pain was unbearable.

Dave came back upstairs. I was panicked…was now beginning to wonder if we’d make it to the hospital in time. Fear set in. I realized I was in the transition stage of labor. Transition usually lasts 30 minutes…then comes pushing. What was happening?? We decided to get to the hospital ASAP. After the next contraction (short, but painful) I got out of the tub, into some clothes (contraction) laid on the bed (contraction) went downstairs (contraction) laid on the couch (contraction)…so much pain…couldn’t stand.

Finally made it to the car and sat in passenger seat (contraction) and started to get frantic, yelling, “We have to GO….GO GO GO!”

Dave got in the car…nothing seemed to be getting us closer to the hospital fast enough.

We started to drive out of the neighborhood. I kept having contractions but also noticed a lot of pressure and pain in my bottom. Next contraction came and ended with a grunt and strong sense of pressure. I realized that I was having the urge to push. Oh my gosh!! Was I actually pushing? Another contraction came and ended with a grunt and push I couldn’t control. I yelled at Dave that I had to push…I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know what to do. I felt totally at the mercy of my body. The contractions came and ended so quickly and ended with a push…I couldn’t control my muscles. I didn’t want to push. I was so scared and yet I knew what was happening to my body was completely natural. I was holding the side door handle above my head. No seatbelt. We were going very fast on Smithfield Rd. It was a very curvy-windy road. Trying to keep still and relax-to make it through the pain-to try to stop pushing was impossible.

I yelled at Dave to pull over-STOP THE CAR! CALL 911! I wanted to stop! I couldn’t comprehend where the baby was going to go if I pushed her out -while sitting -in a moving car! But I couldn’t stop pushing and Dave wasn’t stopping. I felt so angry and terrified…out of control.

Kiley’s head crowned in my underwear. I remember the pressure-the burning, the ring of fire. It was painful, but also relieving. The contractions seemed different now. My body was focused on pushing. It was strange feeling her head…stuck until the next push. I told Dave she was crowning. He said, “No, she’s not!” I put his hand on my pants and he could feel her head. Oh my gosh...this was really happening. I knew my body was going to keep pushing -no turning back, nowhere to deliver this baby but in the car or on the road!!!

Dave finally called 911 at the 4 way stop sign at Major Slade Dr. He told them I was in labor and had the urge to push!! I yelled from the front seat, “I don’t have the urge to push…I AM PUSHING!”

He knew we weren’t going to make it to WakeMed so he told 911 we were heading to the fire station on Poole Rd.

Another push-her head slid out more. I took my pants off and could feel her head and hair…even her soft spot pulsating.

All I could think was she couldn’t breathe…stuck there. All my thoughts were she’s going to die. There was no positive outcome. No way to suction her when she came out -no doctors!!

1:15 a.m. April 19, 2008

Contraction-push (on HWY 264) her head slid out. Then just as quick -more burning, pressure, and her shoulders slid out and there she was. She never hit the floor. I managed to grab her and pull her to my stomach. She was warm, wet, slippery and totally out. The labor pains were gone. Such a relief, but my fears and shock took over.

She wasn’t crying.
She was breathing though…I could hear the liquid in her chest…see her chest rising up and down, but it was like watching a fish out of water. I was just waiting to see her breathing slow down-her body turn was awful.

I began to plead for God to help her, protect her…help her breathe.

I said to Dave, “we’re going to lose her,” over and over. I kissed her soft, wet head. Said her name out loud. I could see her wet little body and the umbilical cord…she looked grey. I checked to see for sure she was a girl. (yes) I could see her face. She was completely quiet…calm.

“Hey baby….hey baby…it’s okay sweetie…it’s going to be all right.” I kept saying it like a mantra.

Dave turned left on Poole Rd. The turn was sharp. I couldn’t stay in my seat and began to fall forward, baby in hand. Dave held us up and pushed us back into the seat.

I felt so helpless. Dave seemed scared-frantic.
We turned into the fire station, horn blaring, and raced up to the front door. The car seemed to barely stop before Dave got out of it and ran yelling for help.

I see the firemen inside the garage. Why aren’t they outside waiting? Maybe they didn’t know we were coming?

Every second counts. Kiley looks like she was going limp…her breathing looked shallow. I start screaming, “suction...we need suction!” Two firemen (William and Flip) come out and open bags-oxygen and a suction machine-long tube. They try to suction Kiley’s mouth. It’s too strong and it only sucks her lips and tongue...not clearing her airway. I’m freaking out and screaming, “It’s not’s not working...she can’t breathe.”

EMS arrived. I start to feel contractions and realize the afterbirth is coming. I didn’t want to have that in the car as well and asked for a stretcher. Two EMS ladies come to my door (Frances/Patty.) They tell me that Kiley looks good…she’s going to be okay. It was hard to believe. For the first time I started to relax and think, maybe it will all be okay. Unbelievable!

I get out of the car. Kiley in my arms-umbilical cord hanging from me. They put a sheet around me for privacy. Shock sets in again. I can’t believe this happened.

They put us in the ambulance. (I’d always wanted to ride in one…cool.)
They gave me an I.V. Kiley is lying on my chest-they take off my shirt to keep her warm. I start having more intense contractions-moaning. I apologize to Flip about being impatient with them before. :) He holds my hand and lets me squeeze his leg during another contraction.

The ride was bumpy. I cry off and on. They ask me questions-routine stuff. They let me touch the umbilical cord-it’s still pulsating and we wait for it to stop. Flip gets to clamp it and Frances cuts it with a knife. (They left some for Dave to cut at the hospital as well!-very thoughtful)

Now Kiley is totally on her own and it scares me. They try and suction again but I don’t hear anything. Still no crying-but she’s breathing and looks somewhat pink.

Frances and Patty are real soothing and they calm me down. We get to the hospital. It looks like everything will be okay…everyone starts talking about being invited to Kiley’s 1st birthday party!

We go to Triage. I finally see Dave again. His eyes look red-I think he’s been crying… I start to cry-out of relief, disbelief and fear.

We get to a room. All the routine stuff is done. Dave gets to hold Kiley-she finally makes a sound (she never cried though!)

My contractions get worse. Dr. Smith shows up…asks me how I’m feeling? I’m not sure who he is? They give me some Motrin for pain. The placenta comes out a little bit later-pain almost as intense as labor. I even had to push it out-didn’t expect that. My threshold of pain had been reached. I asked if I tore…Dr. Smith said only a 2-degree tear. Wow! Glad to hear that! They gave me numbing shots (painful) and then stitch me up.

They gave me Kiley and I try to nurse her. Dave calls my mom. Kiley takes easily to nursing…amazing.

We finally get moved to the birth center. The room is pretty nice…Kiley goes to the nursery for her first bath. She weighs 7 lbs. 4 oz. and has a 13-inch head circumference…WOW!

Dave and I just look at each other in awe.
Baby at 80 mph.

Who would have thought I’d be that girl. :)

Kiley and Mommy right after Triage on Daddy's camera phone



mythreesons said...

im crying AGAIN as i read this.
wow, i still cant believe you guys went thru that. so proud of you (AGAIN) and so thankful to our God for protecting you and kiley. love you so much!

Unknown said...

my wife is awesome

Leslie said...

I hope I look that beautiful just after givnig birth. And I too am fighting back the tears. WOW!!!! God's protection is amazing!!!