Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer is HOT and so are WE!

Hey! Sorry for the delay, but I've been quite busy lately! I've been running around, taking pictures and playing soccer on the side! Even though the days are usually the same...feeding Kiley, burping Kiley, changing Kiley...I have managed to get a couple of interesting shots here and there!

Check these out!

The first is of my crayons. They are very important to me.
Oh and there's a plastic yellow flag mixed in for interest!

Second is this table in the hallway foyer next to the bathroom. Mommy thought the angle at which I captured it is quite unique. Look closely and you can see the pedestal bathroom sink in the background!

Okay...moving on to more important matters! Da...da da Dah.............. (drum roll please!)
Kiley Grace Pond has shown us her SMILE! Mommy got a picture of it for you to see!

And...she's sitting!! (with the help of the boppy pillow!)

Here is Kiley and I taking our first bath together! It didn't last long. Kiley started screaming and that was that! :) I had fun though!

Here's another cute picture of Kiley and Daddy!

Sunday Mommy had a wonderful visit from her friend Ingrid and her daughter Grace! Ingrid is from Ireland. Mommy told me she lived there once! Cool..I wanna go!

On one of our few but fun outings, we all went to the middle school soccer field for some exercise! Here I am using my awesome soccer moves!!

Okay Daddy......I kicked it this far...now YOU go get it!! :)

Have a great week ya'll!! Love you!

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