Monday, February 4, 2008

Yo People!

Hi! This weekend we had a whole bunch of people from church over for dinner and games! We had 16 people including 6 kiddies like me!! What a blast! Gavin was there too! Mommy and daddy ate with their friends and I just played and played! (until 10 PM...WOW!)

See my room? We had FUN FUN!!

Of course I got Gavin and I took a "nap" in my bed! Mommy chaperoned of course!! :)

I loved playing my Pac-Man game with Reid!

Saturday I spent the day and night at Grandma and Grandaddy's! I helped them make dinner! I'm such a big girl! Sunday mommy sang at church and then we all went swimming! Later I watched the Superbowl with my friends Mr. Tim, Ms. Varina and Maia! I was up again until 9:30 PM! Boy....I'm livin large! Gotta go to bed! Love you!

1 comment:

Becky Chapman said...

Too cute!!

Wow, Mal's already sleeping with a boy? Girl, you better keep an eye on her.

Love ya,