Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pee and Snow

Well...another week of NO real snow. But we got a box from Uncle Thom and Aunt Denise with presents in it!! And guess what? It had "snow" in it too! See?
I had lots of fun! (so did mommy and daddy picking it all up!)

I had another great week with potty training. I'm even going pee-pee on the big girl potty now! Plus for the FIRST time today I peed in the potty at school and not all over my pants! Hurray!

I'm getting SO good at this!

Here are a couple of pics from my week! I love to play with a doll I named "Crazy Hair" that Grandma gave me! Plus I'm really into fixing things for mommy! Yep, this animal farm really needs new batteries! I'm so cute!

Mommy's been working really hard to get Kiley's room ready too. She keeps telling me that she's "nesting." I haven't seen a nest of any kind yet....but we'll see!!

Love you all! See you next week!! Maybe then Mommy will put some ultrasound pictures of Kiley on the blog! Bye Bye!

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