Monday, February 25, 2008

Cinderella at work

Happy February 25th week to you!! Happy Birthday Mimi!
(Her actual birthday is TODAY! 2-25-08)

This week was pretty uneventful! I did my usual cute stuff as well as went to school and did some housework for mommy!

Here I am at school playing follow the leader with Joselyn and Brianna! One of my teachers, Ms. Portia, is standing there by the door smiling! (she's been put under my cuteness spell!!) I'm loving school! I even take naps there on Tuesday and Thursday so mommy can have a little alone time before she comes here to work with the 4 years olds from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

I love going to "centers." (different areas in the room designated for different activities) They have homelife (imaginative play), science, art, puzzles, reading, and block centers. I always enjoy making a craft or coloring a picture for mommy or daddy! I'm doing pretty good peeing at school too! Still not pooping in the potty yet!

Mommy made me clean the house this week too! (Not really....but I always want to help!) Here I am slaving away at vacuuming the hardwood floor.'s hard work! Ain't I cute!? And YES...I'm in my undies AGAIN! MOMMY!!!!

Love to all who love me! :) (and baby sister too!)

1 comment:

Becky Chapman said...

Mallory, You are such a good helper. Can you come show Lily how to do that??

I think it is just fine to go around in your undies...just make sure they are really pretty ones, okay?? : )

We love you, Mal! (and Kiley too)