Thursday, July 17, 2008

July 4th and the Beach Trip

Wow, we've been busy!! We came back Tuesday from a trip to the beach with Mimi, Papa, and my cousins Greer, McLaren, and Jez! What a blast! I had more fun playing with them than playing at the actual beach...the waves scared me!! Kiley came down to the ocean one morning, but that didn't last long! It was WAY too sunny and hot for her...even with a little tent to keep her cool! (thanks to Aunt April!)

this was the BIGGEST bathtub I'd ever seen!

Lately, I've also been playing a lot with my friend Emily!!
We even went bowling together! Rock on!!

Oh yeah.....I just got a SPARE!!

Emily and Me on the "Roller Coaster" at the bowling alley

Playing with my very FIRST sparkler on July 4th!

I won these beautiful choppers at the bowling alley!

Grandma and Granddaddy came to visit us too!

Granddaddy found Kiley this neat shirt!! It has her name on it...unbelievable!! :)

Well, I hope you enjoy my pictures and videos! Love you!!

Aren't we cute? :)

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