Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A few pics

My houseful of pretty girls...

(Dave again)

Everyone is doing well... Kiley was 7 lbs. on the dot at Monday's checkup, so she is putting on some good weight. Probably back up to her birthweight of 7-4 on Friday, or darn close to it...

We're all tired, but I wanted to add a few pics tonight. We found out today we were the top story in The Herald, Johnston County's main newspaper, as well as the Eastern Wake News, a sister publication - I'll post the links when we put them up. We even got recognized at Golden Corral! (Ah, the downfalls of insta-celebrity.) :)

Anyways, you guys don't want to read me blathering on, you'd rather just see my cute girls, so here ya go. More later this week - promise!

Asleep on Grandpa's chest

Wolfpack in the house?

Mallory with one of her new 'Horton Hears a Hoo' finger puppets.
Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

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