Sunday, April 6, 2008

Baseball Season is Here!!

Hello Family and Friends! We are all so happy here in the Pond household! Know why? 'Cause BASEBALL SEASON is HERE!! Actually, the whole neighborhood is celebrating! See? Here I am with my neighbor Emily playing catch! Daddy says I've got talent!

The rest of the week I just played and was my cute self!
Friday, I went to visit Daddy for lunch. Then we went to his barber shop to watch him get a haircut! I look really cute in this vintage barber shop chair!

Saturday, Grandma and Granddaddy came over to pick me up for my monthly sleep-over! We played for a while with my toys before we left. I made Grandma a present! It was a drawing I made of her!

See my purple eyes?? Purple is my FAVORITE color!! is mommy with Baby Kiley at 37 weeks!! She says Kiley could come ANY day now!! WOW!
P.S. If you want to make the pictures larger for viewing you can click on them and they'll enlarge...just don't click on this one of mommy. She looks REALLY silly!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Heather's HOT!!!!