Thursday, January 10, 2008

Our Own Blog.....Finally!!

Hey Everyone! Mommy finally made a blog about the Pond children-Me and my new baby sister (due in April)! Yay! She said she wants everyone to know what we've been up to everyweek! We'll see how she does! This week was a big week for me! I got a new purple room and big girl bed and da da da da...I FINALLY started potty training! Some of my doctors said to keep holding off....but Mommy and I felt ready! So.....I've started wearing big girl underwear while I'm at home and I've been really good about peeing in the potty! Only a couple of accidents so far! Way to go me! It's a long hard road, but I'm gonna get there!

I got these AWESOME Diego skates for peeing in the potty! Cool huh? Love you-Check out my snapfish page to see more pics from Christmas!! See you next week!

1 comment:

grandma d said...

We are so excited that you are using the potty! I know that you'll enjoy your new skates. I really like your new purple "big girl" room!
Love and Kisses to you