Sunday, July 8, 2012

Filling the Days

Summer days are flying by!  Mommy is trying to fill them up with fun stuff....
even if it's 105 degrees outside!  Shew!  

I got my very own library card!  Then I checked out my very own books, all by myself!  I hope I remember to return them to the library on time!  Goodness!

We've been to Marbles (thank you again Aunt Peg)!  Kiley and I both worked on increasing the muscle tone in our shoulders!  Hard work.


Kiley tried her hand at sewing!  (love the tongue sticking out from pure concentration.) I took care of my dog named, Max!  He needed a bath and a warm place to sleep!

Two weekends ago we went to the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center 
in Chapel Hill, NC!  Aunt Peg, Aunt Karol, Uncle Alan and cousin Karina came along too!  Aunt Peg gave us these awesome science experiments to do at home!  We couldn't wait to get started!  Kiley got to grow crystals from rocks and I got to make my very own volcano!  Rock on!!

Other days we spend playing on our swing set, running around in the sprinkler and going to the pool!  See you later alligator!


Love Mallory and Kiley

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