Thursday, June 21, 2012

Last Trips Before Baby!


We crammed in two fun trips before baby brother arrives in 4 WEEKS!!  We say 4 weeks, but Mommy is already 1cm dilated!!!  Goodness!

We were invited up to Kure Beach, NC by our good friend Emerson!  (well by her mommy and daddy!)  We went up on Wednesday morning and drove back Friday!  The weather was amazing...not too hot, it was perfect!  The water was a little rough...Daddy said there was some sort of storm off of the coast somewhere?  Who knows!  


Kiley was definitely in her element playing in the sand all day!  I loved playing in the water, more like chasing the waves rather than playing in the waves!!  

Friday we drove down to the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher and saw the fishies and sharks!  


Then we took the Southport Ferry over to Southport to enjoy lunch in town.  We went to an ice cream shop/candy world/christmas store.....GLORIOUS is all I can say about that place!  



Mommy really wanted to stay another night at the beach so we tried to find a cheap hotel to stay in in Wrightsville...but that didn't happen!  Kiley cried for at least an hour when we told her we weren't going back to the beach that day.  (Mommy did too - on the inside!)

Trip #2

Sunday we drove to Charlotte, NC to go with Daddy on a work conference trip.  We ate lunch at The Iron Skillet where they had RAPUNZEL frying pans to eat out of!!  
Kiley thought that was the best thing EVER!  I guess I did too!

We stayed at a really nice hotel and visited IKEA when we got there!  OH MY GOODNESS.....Mommy thought IKEA was a dream land of cheap, well made goodies! 
 I just liked to play in the ball pit kid area!  

When Daddy was at the conference Mommy took us to Ray's Splash Planet to play!  I finally mastered the skill of doing a front flip under water, AND I swam all by myself in a whirlpool!  Kiley is finally getting less afraid of putting her head under water!  The goggles seem to help a lot!


We went put-putting the next day!  I got a HOLE IN ONE!  Yay me!  Kiley came really close to getting PAR at every hole! Seriously...she was really good at it!

I think that's about it!  We're home to stay until Benjamin arrives!  Summer Rocks!
Love Mallory

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