Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our First Days of School

After orientation and meeting my new teacher I FINALLY started kindergarten this week! :)

Daddy bought me my first Riverwood Girls T-Shirt to wear on Spirit Day! Here's my first look at my classroom!! Nice!

Mommy, Daddy and Kiley all dropped me off for my first day! When we opened the door guess who was standing there to great me? My friends Emily and Avery! They're older and hopefully they'll show me the ways around Riverwood!! :)

Here I am at my new classroom. Ms. Langford and Ms. Kimbrough are my teachers.

One really neat thing about my class is Gray Monk!

She and I were actually in birthing class together back in 2004! (ok...we were in our mommy's bellies!) It's so strange now that we're in kindergarten together! We didn't even live near each other before we were born!! I'm so glad to have a friend already!

Ok, Mommy and Daddy, it's time to get to work! We'll see you later at pick-up!

Mallory, did you like kindergarten?

Yes!! :)

Kiley had her FIRST day of pre-school this week too! :) Here's her 1st day of school outfit!

She came to school just in time for some breakfast!! :) Sausage and biscuits, yum!

Her teachers are Ms. Elleana and Ms. Wendi! Mommy was VERY happy, because Ms. Elleana is a very good friend to us and Kiley really LOVES her!! :) Ms. Wendi is way funny too!

Kiley told me her favorite thing on her first day was dressing up like a lady bug!! :)

It was rainy that day so on Kiley's second day of school she got to go outside and play! :)


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