Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas morning I woke up to this......
(Whoa!) (that's exactly what I said)

Santa's footprints with North Pole Snow
(it's doesn't's magic)
He even ate our oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. (or Boz did.)

Then it was off to stockings and presents galore!! I even got to help Kiley open hers. Pretty soon it was just so routine I hardly even noticed what I got. I'd just open it...say "I've always wanted one of these," throw it down and run to get another present.

Kiley wanted to be opened too!

And the day had just begun...

Next, it was off to Grandma and Granddaddy's house for Christmas #2 and lunch! GG was there! Yay!

4 generations + mommy

Brother Love

Christmas Cowgirl

Next and finally, it was back to home to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Pond! Shew!!

more glorious presents

is Kiley crawling???

why yes....mommy I am.

Oh....the party has just begun.......

1 comment:

mythreesons said...

wow, youve been busy blogging!!!
love it!
also love santa's footprints!
how cool!!!