Saturday, January 4, 2014

Let it Snow Ho Ho Ho!!!

Here are some new snow pics from our 3rd snowfall (already!!) 
There's another one happening right NOW with an Arctic front coming in behind it tonight.  
The high on Monday is going to be 5 with a wind chill of -35!  



Kiley's snow-pile man.

And now it's Christmas Eve!

All dressed up for Christmas Eve Service

At Wendy's for Christmas Eve dinner!  

NOW it's time to wait for Santa and his reindeer!!  

Food for the Reindeer!  Glitter, granola bar pieces and carrots!  Yummmy!

Bumble is giddy with excitement!

We had a wonderful Christmas in our new house!  Santa did good!  
We even had snow on the ground so technically, it was a White Christmas!! 

The girls got cool book lights and they have been reading a TON! 
Kiley is reading better and better everyday!  It's amazing to see!
Kiley reading to Mallory with her new book light!!

Ben got his first car!!  Kiley can fit in it too!! Beep Beep!


Merry Christmas and Happy 2014 everyone!  
Drink hot chocolate and stay WARM!

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