Thursday, April 16, 2009

We've been busy!!!

Hey Ya'll!! Just hanging out!! Not doing much lately, really. Just hanging out in Kiley's crib

and going bowling with Daddy (not to shabby I might add!)

hanging out with my cousins and having a visit from Aunt Peg, Aunt Betty, Aunt Missy and most recently, GG

eatin' cookies

wearing first pony tails ('cause Kiley's hair is growing like a weed)

watching Kiley feed herself for the first time

watching her try strawberries too (yum)

taking rides on our little car (see how curly Kiley's hair is in the back?)

having a first hair cut by a pro-fess-ion-al,

watching Kiley's nose eat yogurt,

and spaghetti,

celebrating Easter with Grandma and Granddaddy AND Mimi and Papa all in one day, Kiley gets fed by Uncle Rod and Trey for the first time,

having storytime with GG and Uncle Steve...and we'll I think that's it for now. Wait just a minute and I'll have MORE!!

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