Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kiley's Dedication and Visit from GG

More Sister Love!

Kiley in her bath towel!

Taking a bath together!! Kiley loves to kick and splash me!

Kiley's first attempt to crawl!

Vroom Vroom

In December, our GG from Long Island, NY came to visit us!! :) We love her so so much!!

Kiley and GG

Me and Daddy

Kiley in her dedication dress (the same one I wore when I was dedicated!)

On December 21, 2008... Kiley Grace Pond had her dedication service at Vintage21 church in Raleigh. We are so blessed to have her and she's truly a gift from God!! :) Thank you Jesus!! :)

GG with our family on dedication day!

Kiley opening her presents!!

1 comment:

Becky Chapman said...

Heeeey! Why didn't we know about Kiley's dedication??? Would've loved to have been there. Guess we're not her godparents. :) Maybe we've been slackin' on the job with Mals. hehehe.