Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Update for the Little Ponds

Hey...we've been busy. Dance class, feeding therapy (I'm actually eating peanut butter on crackers now!), preschool, mommy working at preschool, hockey, church, etc.
We're all out of breath ...literally! We've been a bit sickies too!
Mommy had two ear infections and a sinus infection this week!!
Yuck Yuck!

Kiley's been finding her tongue! She's sort of cute about it! ;) She's even been sucking/chewing on apples through this net thingy! This is something I would never do, so mommy is hopeful Kiley might be less sensitive to cold/wet foods than I was/am! :)

She's sitting on her own and pretty much not falling over now!

I at least wanted mommy to get our latest pictures up.
The cuteness never ceases to amaze us all! ;)
Love you!

1 comment:

watch us grow said...

Kiley is getting so big! What a cutie!