Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall is Here!

Hey guys! Isn't the weather spectacular? Daddy and me LOVE fall!! We didn't do much worth blogging this week, but here are some pictures and cute videos! Kiley is finally using her highchair. She's pretty small in it though...it was fun trying to feed her in it! :) She'd really rather eat the highchair itself than anything else!!

Leah came over for a play date on Friday! She's one of my friends from school! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her!! We played dress up. I put this skirt/hat on all by myself!

Leah and Me as Princesses

Kiley had a play date too! Little baby Samuel came over! He's younger but bigger than Kiley! See?

Sam (3 mos.) and Me (5 mos.)

Oh...Mommy's doing a diet thingy. Here she is before...


and we'll post an after picture when she's all skinny. :) Love you all!

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