Saturday, September 1, 2012


Hey guys...I'm EIGHT!!  Here's a picture from when I turned 7 to NOW when I turned 8! 
 Let's see how I look! 


I had my birthday party at Pottery Camp again this year!  I just like that place so much!  My friends came and painted pottery with well as Daddy, Mommy, Kiley and Baby Ben!  

My birthday this year ROCKED!!  I literally got everything I asked for!  CRAZY!  I got a drum set from Aunt Laura and Uncle Rod (Trey's old one-perfect for me!), an American Girl Doll named McKenna from Grandpa and Grandma Pond (Oh My!!), the Webkinz Dolphin from Grandma Diane (AWESOME!), a Build A Bear gift card from GG (Thank you!)...just to name a few!  Daddy also purchased a horseback riding trip for us to partake in!  I've been asking to ride a horse for some time now!  It's crazy how wonderful my family is!  My birthday was AWESOME! 

Thanks ya'll!
I picked out my cake! There's a pillow pet on top of it!

Ben had fun too!

My friends Ava, Elizabeth, Jenna Kate, Sabrina, Morgan, Gray, Leah and Kiley!

Eating Cake!


Even Kiley got a present!
....and Benjamin's Bottom!

  THE END :)

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