Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We're Having A Baby!

Hey family and friends! Guess a lot has happened since I last talked to you. I'm gonna be a big, BIG sister! Kiley is so excited too. I hope it's a boy and Kiley wants it to be a girl. Either way, Mommy and Daddy just want a healthy, happy baby!

Mommy had shoulder surgery in October. Aunt Missy came to visit us while Mommy was getting better! We went to the fair! I ate corn on the cob...yummy! Aunt Missy is awesome!
I hope she comes back again soon!

Thanksgiving we went to Grandma and Granddaddy's house in Garner. I ate corn again! tee hee! I'm addicted to corn now....daddy says I'm gonna turn into a corn cob one day!

Christmas was great! We stayed in Clayton but had many visitors! GG and Uncle Thom came from Long Island, NY and Grandpa and Grandma came all the way up from Florida! Uncle and April bought a new house so we got to celebrate Christmas over there! I love Luke's new big boy bed!

We went to Aunt Laura's house to celebrate Christmas with Mimi and Papa. ALL my cousins were there too! We had fun playing and opening gifts! Can't wait for next Christmas!

Second grade is going well. I like my teacher Ms. Burke, although I really miss my 1st grade teacher Ms. Foscue. Kiley loves preschool and her teacher Ms. Brenda. Last Thursday she had her FIRST pajama day at school! She talked about it non-stop! That girl can talk!

Mommy's tummy has been feeling yucky with the baby, and Daddy's been taking us to fun places to give Mommy some rest! Over-all it's a pretty good deal!
Her tummy is getting bigger and Kiley and I like to kiss it!

Love you all,
Mallory, Kiley and Baby

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