Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's been a little TOO long

Well, we've had Halloween and Thanksgiving already! Phew...where did the time go? I was in my first school Thanksgiving play this year! I was a Pilgrim girl who said " mercy me" a lot! It was a play about the Pilgrims and the Indians meeting and becoming friends. So cute!

Now, we're getting ready for Christmas here at the Ponderosa!! :) We've done a lot of fun Christmasy type activities lately!! :) We decorated our Christmas tree!

We visited with Santa at Riverwood's Yearly Christmas tree lighting celebration! I even got my fingernails painted and road a horse carriage around the hood! The tree turned on at 8:00 p.m. and boy was it pretty!! :)

We're really looking forward to seeing friends and family over the Christmas Holiday! We've already had a visit from one of Mommy's dear friends Dottie and her two children, Gabe and Maddy! :) We had fun!

While we wait for Christmas day to finally arrive.....we'll just have fun jump-in around and goof-in off like we usually do! :) Love you!

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