Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mallory's Dance Recital and Museum Trip 2009

I had my tap/ballet/gymnastics dance recital in June! Mommy says I did a great job! Grandma Diane and Granddaddy Steve came to see me! Here are some pictures and a video to watch!

I yelled out "Look how high I am everybody!"

Here's my tappity tap dance!! :)

I also went on my FIRST class field trip in June! My 4 yr. old preschool class took a trip to the NC Museum of Life and Science! It was awesome! Mimi stayed home with Kiley so mommy and I could have a "date!" I touched a beetle, snake, crocodile, and rabbit while I was there! Mommy made sure to wash my hands after. (especially after the beetle! Ewwwwwww!)

My graduation ceremony and MORE to come in a bit!!

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