Thursday, March 26, 2009


At the end of February, I went with Daddy, Uncle Steve and Mr. Phillip to see wrestling! I had a good time, and we stayed up late - Mommy wasn't too excited that we didn't get home until 11 o'clock! They even had M&M's - my favorite!

I got my picture taken with Justin Flash and his big shiny belt, and I told Daddy that he was my favorite! Daddy said he's not ready to hear that, whatever that means. :) (Look, I'm blushing!)

I also liked Fabulous Frankie - he wore pink clothes and makeup - he was funny like a girl!

Uncle was excited to see Jake the Snake Roberts, a wrestler that Daddy, Uncle and Mr. Phillip watched growing up.

He looks like a grandpa now. I liked it when he DDT'd his opponent, then pulled out a big snake (like 14 feet long!) and put it down the guy's pants.

That was funny! Next time, Superfly Snuka is coming - Daddy said he can fly! I can't wait!

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