Sunday, February 1, 2009


I had my first dance-gymnastics recital on January 19th! I performed a tap dance, ballet dance and all sorts of gymnastics skills!! :) I even got a medal at the end of the performance!

Here I am in my pretty dance costume.

We tap-danced to Elvis' "Rock A Hula" and performed a ballet dance to "Good Morning," from the Singin' In The Rain musical.

Here is the ballet dance!

Then it was on to gymnastics. Here is my bar routine! :)

Kiley did some forward head rolls of her own! :) Go Kiley!

My cousins Trey, Andrea, Luke and Uncle Rod came to watch! Plus Daddy, Mimi, Grandma Diane as well as Uncle Steve! I had so much support from my family! It was wonderful!!

My sweet Daddy gave me roses after my performance!
What a romantic! (keep 'em coming Daddy!)

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