Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Again....Better Late Then Never!

Year 2010 has come and gone! What happened?
Here are pictures from Christmas till now 2/2011 :)
Mommy may add some more info. later...
But for now, here's what we've been up to via camera communication!

December 2010

I performed in my first Christmas school production!

Pond Christmas 2010

Special visits from special people during the holidays!! :)

2010 Snow Snow Snow!

The Pretty Pond Ladies and Dude


Kiley's "finger puppet"

Had my surgery on 1-6-11. This is me and my bandage getting better from surgery
to remove a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst! :)
Thank God for Dr. Ellison at Duke Raleigh Health!

Papa made this bed for me all by himself!! :)

Playing around the house January 2011! Peek-A-Boo, I see U!

Happy New Year everybody!
Mal and Kiley