Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving "Turkeys"

Ok.....this HAS to be the first thing on this page! Here's Kiley eating...grabbing....CRYING over a turkey leg! This has to be some sort of record for the earliest turkey leg eaten by a human! Ha!

On Thanksgiving Day, Mommy tried to dress us up in matching colors for the first time ! Here's our lovely picture. We had a hard time posing!! That's Kiley riding a horse that was Daddy's when he was little!! I rode it too! (Note that Kiley is 7 months old and Mallory was over a year old in these horse pictures!!)

The Wednesday before Turkey Day, I had a Family Feast Lunch at my school!! My class sang songs and wore shirts we painted that said, "We Give Thanks to God!"
Kiley ate mash potatoes for the first time! See?

Friday after Thanksgiving we went to Amelia Church Rd. Park. Adi came along to play with me! And wouldn't you friend Leah was there too! We played at the park and then walked down to a little pond to throw rocks in the water! There were cool trees near the water that made for excellent photos!

Sunday we decorated our Christmas tree!! It was a FAMILY event!!
Even Kiley put some ornaments on! She's starting to stand too!

What an amazing Holiday weekend!
Love you--All of Us

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Princess Oranges

Good Morning on the day before Thanksgiving! :) We're getting ready to go to Grandma and Granddaddy's house to celebrate tomorrow. Maybe my friend Amanda will be there...I really love playing with her! Kiley's ready to try little bites of EVERYTHING!! We'll take pictures. I of course will probably eat bacon, ketchup, maybe peanut butter crackers and some sort of chip. (wonderful.)

I went to my first princess birthday party last Saturday. My friend Charlotte turned 3! I'm wearing the Cinderella dress. I've decided that I want to have a princess party for my 5th birthday and I will wear the Cinderella dress to that too. I'm very fond of it.

Meanwhile, Kiley has been indulging in orange goodness!
Here she is eating/gnawing on some! She's getting her bottom teeth (mommy can feel them!) so the cold orange feels good! At the end of the video she's funny!

We'll talk to you guys after Thanksgiving!
Have a Happy Turkey Day!
We are Thankful for YOU!

Love, Mallory and Kiley

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Day of Firsts, Seconds and Thirds!

We woke up to the SECOND snowfall of 2008!
Daddy and Kiley got their picture taken!
I was a grumpy butt and didn't want to be in it!
(Daddy had just woken me up early to see the snow so I was sweepy!)

Today for the FIRST time, Kiley got up on her knees from her tummy! Looks like she might be crawling soon! Oh My!

And Mommy finally caught Kiley blowing raspberries on camera after trying to catch her for the THIRD time !

But FIRST and foremost...Mommy told us her and daddy will love us forever... No Matter What!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Update for the Little Ponds

Hey...we've been busy. Dance class, feeding therapy (I'm actually eating peanut butter on crackers now!), preschool, mommy working at preschool, hockey, church, etc.
We're all out of breath ...literally! We've been a bit sickies too!
Mommy had two ear infections and a sinus infection this week!!
Yuck Yuck!

Kiley's been finding her tongue! She's sort of cute about it! ;) She's even been sucking/chewing on apples through this net thingy! This is something I would never do, so mommy is hopeful Kiley might be less sensitive to cold/wet foods than I was/am! :)

She's sitting on her own and pretty much not falling over now!

I at least wanted mommy to get our latest pictures up.
The cuteness never ceases to amaze us all! ;)
Love you!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Cuties

Just a quick blog to show you pics from Halloween!! We're so cute!!
I was Diego and Kiley was a baby lamb!

We went all around the block asking for treats! I got lots of candy!
Kiley got tired pretty quick and I got cold.
So we didn't stay out too long!

On Wednesday, we went to a carnival at my preschool (Clayton First Baptist church sponsored it). It was cold outside, so here we are all dressed for fun!!

I played games and jumped in a jumping house!! I won some cookies and brownies from a cake walk and actually ATE them!! Yah.....crazy!!
Mommy played pin the nose on the pumpkin and won me a prize!!
Someone thought mommy came dressed up as "Sarah Palin" for the carnival, when really she was just her normal self. Go figure eh? :)

Kiley tried cotton candy. Not sure what she thought about it!

Of course the rest of the week we had fun too!!
Dance parties galore!! Rock it!

Kiley got naked a few times (typical).

We love the life we live!! :)