Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another Yearbook Look!!

Thought this was cute!! :) and....mommy and I were trying to find something to do while Kiley was taking a nap!! :) love you guys!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 19th, 2008

Kiley is 6 months old TODAY!! Crazy isn't it? :) I mean... SERIOUSLY!!
She the bestest little sister ever!
Pretty cute too!!

Grandpa had a chance to feed her when he came to visit! She's eating all sorts of things now. Bananas, applesauce, yogurt, oatmeal...(way more stuff than I even eat!) haha! 'Cause I'm a "monkey goofball." I love when daddy calls me that! (seriously!)

See? I'm really am silly! Actually, my friend Adi and I were playing a game walking around the house with my pants over our eyes! Totally fun, you should try it!

Yesterday, we all went to a pumpkin patch farm in Wilson Mills and picked two pumpkins out for Halloween.

We rode on a hay wagon (more like a single wide filled with hay), and went bumpity-bump all the way out to the pumpkin fields. We also fed some baby goats and duckies. They seemed to like green beans a lot. (huh?) It was really cold and windy outside, but we all had fun! The best part for me was the hay MAZE!! Way cool!

It's really starting to feel like fall around here!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

2 Weeks of Pictures

We have two weeks of pictures to show you!! Some of Kiley and some of me!
Here I am eating a white powdered donut! Definitely picture worthy!

I started my first dance class at Little Gym and I'm lovin it!! :) I take 15 mins. of tap, 15 mins. of ballet, then 30 mins. of gymnastics! I love wearing my leotard and dancing around the house in it!! I even got to wear it at school a little bit when Daddy took me to a class Tuesday night after school!! I ran around the playground showing it to all my friends!! (I'm so cute!)

Mommy's behind a glass window so the sound is a little muted!!

Kiley's growing fast! She really likes to look at herself in the mirror! She even sat in the FRONT seat of the stroller the other day when daddy took us for a walk! What a big girl! I'm the best big sister ever...(mommy tells me that!) I really LOVE my baby sissy!

Here's another game...maybe this one it harderrrrrr!! Which one is Kiley?

Do you know?

Well here's one more picture of Kiley in her exersaucer.
She loves that thing.
Hey wait......what am I doing in there?
Captain goofball!! :)