Monday, March 31, 2008

My New Profession!

Hey Guys!! This week mommy and daddy didn't take many pictures of me, but I took plenty of pics on my own!! I went around the entire upstairs and clicked away! Here are a few that mommy thought were quite good!! I even took a video of Mommy! Maybe I'll be a photographerer someday!

Here's the video of mommy! It's short!

I stayed at Mimi and Papa's house Saturday night! I love playing over there! Mimi said I slept ALL through the night (wassup with that?) I barely ever do that at home!
Today I played with mommy and made my own pirate ship to sail away in!! Ahoy Mateys!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Week

Happy Easter Everyone!

We had a busy week! I had my first Easter Party at school on Thursday! We had lots of goodies to eat and we even had our own Easter egg hunt outside! Mommy took a picture of me from her classroom window during the hunt!

When I got home from school Mommy said I had a present to open from Grandma and Grandpa Pond! Wow! It was a box full of Easter stuff!! It had a beautiful Easter hat, stickers, a purple Easter purse, Cadbury Eggs and More!!I licked my first Cadbury Egg! Yum yum!

Here I am wearing my new Easter Hat and holding Daddy's Easter basket from when he was little, like me!

Saturday, I went to another Easter Egg hunt in downtown Raleigh that my church put together! There were tons of people 2,000 Daddy said! It was so much fun!! The egg hunt only lasted about 20 secs!! 4,000 eggs gone...just like that!

Daddy and Mommy were speechless!!

After that, Daddy and I went on our long awaited date to go see "Go, Diego Go- LIVE!" at Raleigh's Memorial Auditorium. I loved it!! Daddy wasn't aloud to take any pictures during the show, but I'll never forget it!! He even bought me my very own Rescue Pack to wear!!! My Daddy is SO cool!

Sunday was Easter! When I woke up, mommy and daddy said the Easter bunny came by during the night and left me a present!! Daddy hid it in the coat closet and I had to find it!
So much fun!!
Daddy and mommy made sure to remind me that Easter is about Jesus too!!
He's Alive!

For lunch, we all went to Grandma and Granddaddy's house to celebrate! Uncle and April gave me an awesome Easter Basket! Grandma hid easter eggs around the house for me to find!

Man......could it be any better than this?

Today, (Monday) Mommy, Daddy, Me and Grandma took a tour of the hospital where I was born and where Baby Kiley will be born too!! Grandma took us to see the babies and the hospital room where mommy might stay when it's time!! I loved watching the babies in the nursery!! I even got my very own "I'm a BIG sister" cup from nurse Janice!!

Papa came over in the afternoon and played Pac-Man with me too!! What a day!
I'm so loved!

I can't wait to see what happens this week!! Love you!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Week Closer!

Sweet Moment: Tonight, as mommy put me to bed...I kissed her belly and said,

"I love you Kiwey, I can't wait for you to get here!"

I can't wait to be a big sister!
Mommy said we're one week closer to her arrival! Yay!

This week I had an awesome playdate with my friend Gavin and his little brother Isaiah! We went to a park in Cary and had a picnic lunch and played on the playground! Mommy says the batteries died in her camera just at things were kicking off....but here's one pic that came out!

This weekend we had a special party for Kiley! Uncle and April had alot of people over to eat cake and stand around. I watched Finding Nemo in Uncle's room, but managed to run downstairs when the doorbell rang and great Kiley's guests! Kiley got alot of diapers and I even got some presents too! Here I am opening a present from Grandpa and Grandma Pond!

One of the bests parts of the party was when I talked to Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Missy on a camera phone! I could see them and they could see me! It was silly! Daddy says we'll get a camera for our computer too, so we can do that at home!

The weather has been beautiful here! Spring has sprung! This week at school I'll have my first school Easter party with an Easter Egg Hunt and everything! I'm so excited!

See you next week!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Crocodile Hand

This week mommy noticed just how creative I really am! Without her knowing (at first), I decided to turn my hand into a CROCODILE! See? I painted it ALL green with a marker!
Chomp chomp!

Ha! Mommy told me she was happy I was getting my hand messy (since I never like to do that) but NOT to do it to any other part of my body!! (or piece of furniture!)

I just laughed my little "mischievous" laugh and said "OK mommy!" (wink wink)

I stayed with Grandma and Granddaddy Friday night for fun! Grandma said I came up with a new word all on my own! When I saw a picture of something cute, I would say "'s Cutetiful!!" I'm a word genius!

Saturday I went to my friend Nolan's birthday party! He turned 5! He had a Curious George birthday cake, wow! I discovered how much I love these party toys that you blow in and a thingy pops out! At one time I had 4 in my mouth at once!

I also liked the lollipop that was in my party gift bag! It was purple but I told mommy it tasted like strawberries!

Here Daddy and I are blowing bubbles from Nolan's gift bag too! What a beautiful day!

I'm being a Fire Fighter Girl!! I have so much fun playing pretend...even if it's in a box! I'm so CUTETIFUL!! Love you!

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Historic Weekend

Hey Family and Friends! I had the MOST fun weekend!

It started on Thursday when my daddy took me to a
Carolina Hurricanes Hockey game! GO CANES!

It was loud! Here I am covering my ears!

I ended up loving it and not wanting to go home! Daddy is the bestest!
I even got a Stormy Bobble Head from Daddy's friend Ms. Kara!

On Friday night, Grandma played with me while Mommy and Aunt April went to Daddy's Gouge Wrestling show downtown! Daddy doesn't wrestle, but he helps run concerts and stuff at the church building. And hey, who's that in the ring?

It's Uncle Steve! Mommy said Uncle is the best emcee she's ever seen!
He's really handsome in a suit!
Maybe next time I'll go and see him LIVE!
Mommy and Aunt April said the match was fun....even when they got Mountain Dew sprayed all over them during a match! Yum!

Then, on Saturday, Mommy and I went to a park and walked the nature trails! I loved using a walking stick and throwing pebbles into a little pond! I'm definitely an "outdoorsy" kind of girl! No pics... mommy forgot the camera!!

So, we came home we built a fort and played with our jewelry, even Bozzie!

On Sunday, we went to church and while Mommy was singing, Daddy took me to Historic Oak View County Park! WOW! In the 1830's it was a working farm! I walked around a cotton field! I even got to spin some of my own cotton! I got to sit on a BIG tractor! Vroom vroom! We're going to go back with mommy soon, so I'm sure I'll have even more to tell you then!

This is my very own cotton ball! I was excited when I learned that my pink shirt was made of cotton too!

I can't wait for this week to see what surprises I'll have to tell you next Monday!! Mommy's 32 weeks along with Baby Kiley!! She's coming REALLY soon! Love you all!