Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just Pictures

More pictures of us and our NEW brother!! :)  Everyday we love him more and more!!!

Rock Star Night at VBS!

Ben and Cousin Lucas
Our Benji!

Ben and Uncle Tim
Ben and Cousin Greer

Ben and Aunt Yovi
Ben's Mohawk


Ben and Uncle Tim #2
See something missing???  My snaggle tooth finally came out!

Ben and Cousin Charity
Ben and Cousin McLaren
Ben and Cousin Jez
Ben and Aunt Rebekah
Ben and Mr. Jonathan

One Month Old
My monthly picture with Christopher
And........Kiley's chocolate smile


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Benjamin is Here!



Well, we waited SO long for this day!  My brother was born July 16th, 2012 at 9:39 a.m.  He weighed 7lbs. 9oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long!  Mommy looked so happy when we went to visit him in the hospital for the first time! ;)  It was hard being apart from Mommy and Daddy for a few days, but Kiley and I had fun at Grandma and Granddaddy's house while they were in the hospital. 

Benjamin is SO cute.  I call him "Bright Eyes!"  My daddy loves that nickname!  I also call him, "stinkyface" and "Poopyhead" sooooooo, ya know....all sorts of sweet names!

Kiley just likes to say "awwwww??? he's soooo cute"...then she walks away and plays with Barbies! 

I wanna hold his hands, kiss his head, tickle his feet, kiss his head, hold his, ya.  
I'm all over him!!

Mommy and Daddy seem extra tired these days and little cranky! (mostly Mommy is) but other than that life is pretty much the same I guess.  Not as much going out, but I'm making due playing computer games and such!

Well....enjoy the pictures!  We love you ALL!


 These aren't all of Benjamin's visitors 'cause Mommy needs to add more to the computer...but she'll put them on the blog for you soon!!  :)

Mallory, Kiley and Featuring Benjamin David Pond!