Saturday, January 23, 2010


Another day... another year starts again!
We've made some changes around here!

We're trying to enjoy the outside as much as we can! Found this great new park (Lake Benson Park, Garner NC) to play and take walks in! I've changed from being scared to climb to being the best climber ever!!

Kiley's found out how to draw on her face...and that changes how high up Mommy has to keep my markers and Kiley doesn't like that!

I've changed my hair! I got it cut like Adi and Emily's hair.....short and sassy!! :)

Mommy changed my chore list to include transporting Kiley to wherever she needs via this comfy, stuffed animal, laundry basket.

Kiley has pooped in the potty TWICE!! Once in the small potty and once on the BIG potty! That's gonna change things around here pretty soon!

Once night after bath time, Mommy changed Kiley into her night night clothes....while washing my hair, Kiley managed to slide back into the tub head first with ALL her clothes on! SURPRISED us all!! Kiley, you never stop making us laugh!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Little Ponds Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009 has come and gone, but I still have to show you my pictures!

Christmas Morning 2009

It was an awesome Christmas! We had visitors from out of town like, Grandpa and Grandma, GG, Uncle Thom, Aunt Denise, and Cousin Mark. We saw lots of Granddaddy and Grandma and Papa and Mimi too! I love this time of year!

And lots of goofing around, like when we put my new sled on our backs and acted like TURTLES!! :) Even Grandma Diane did it! hee hee!

Uncle played with my new Dora bat! Hey batter, swing batter! Play Ball!

Happy New Year All!